Welcome to the very first showcasing of the Christmas Lights of Batangas.
Having been locked down in our homes for almost two years now, this online celebration of love, hope, and joy reminds us that the darkness will soon end.
As we enter into the peak of the most festive season of all, the Christmas Lights of Batangas is our beautiful reminder that despite the struggles, there is still so much to be grateful for.
Featuring the Christmas Illumination displays all around the province, the countdown to the lighting is led by none other than the Honorable Hermilando I. Mandanas, governor of the province of Batangas.

The Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lipa, H.E. the Most Reverend Gilbert Armea Garcera joined to deliver his Christmas message and blessing.
Featuring a wonderful lineup of performances by the modern rock band Splendio Tritus; Repertory Philippines artist Sean Kevin Inocencio; fast-rising alternative pop and modern R&B band boredr; the award winning FAITH Minstrels; the R&B band FAITH Instrumentalists; the Adorno Fathers and Brothers’ Coro De San Francesco; and Mr. Holiday Season himself—Mr. Jose Mari Chan!

With this online community celebration, we hope that we may all come together bringing with us the warmth and joy of Christmas. May the Christmas Lights of Batangas shine bright in our hearts!
Experience the magic all over again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-CDbNwEADo
The Christmas Lights of Batangas premiered on 18 November 2021. A Watch Party to crown the celebration of the 440th Foundation Anniversary of the province of Batangas was heard on 08 December 2021. Both events streamed live via ZOOM, Facebook, and Youtube.
The Christmas Light of Batangas is brought to you by Limapark Hotel and FAITH Colleges, in cooperation with the Batangas Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office. Supported by AbaCore, Steel Asia, Science Park of the Philippines, Liberty Builders, and Hamilo Coast.