To graduating class of 2028: Contribute. Leave a legacy. Raise the bar.

The following is a message from the school president on the occasion of the Freshmen Incorporation Rites of 2024.

By Brian L. Belen, PhD
Chairman & President

Members of the faculty, colleagues, and fellow members of the FAITH Colleges Academic Community:

Allow me to extend my felicitations on the occasion of today’s Freshmen Incorporation Rites. It is a new school year, and here all of us are again. But to the members of the Freshman class and your parents in attendance today, please permit me the additional privilege of formally welcoming you to your school.

By virtue of these incorporation rites, FAITH Colleges embraces all of you not just as the latest generation joining the student body of our tertiary schools but as members of the broader FAITH Academic Community with whom you will be forever associated. No doubt, it is an exciting time, and you may have your own expectations of what lies ahead for you. For my part, allow me to share a few words about your school’s expectations for you.

First, speaking on behalf of the school, it is my fervent hope that all of you will continue to bring life to and carry on the school’s core values and traditions. These, after all, are what sets FAITH Colleges apart from other schools.

Competence, commitment, and consistency are more than just words that appear on a crest; and activities like our Foundation Day Celebration, Bravevolution, and the Best of the Bravehearts are more than just calendar entries. These are core to the FAITH experience—to being a Braveheart. So make the most of your time here not just by being present but by participating.

Second, know that all of us here at FAITH Colleges are invested in your success. Today, consistent with our traditions, the faculty and staff welcomed you dressed in their academic regalia. Yet in four years what we expect is to see you dressed in your togas as you claim your degrees and graduate from this school. All of us are committed towards that goal—but for that to take place you must be equally committed, if not more so. You will have to do your part, to do the work, and to allow us to show you the way—especially when you may be losing yours. Success demands sacrifice, and if you are prepared to do your part you can rest assured that your school will do its part to help you succeed.

Finally, it is worth stating that communities continue to evolve. In that regard, we look forward to what each of you have to contribute to the FAITH Academic Community. We are one, but we are also many, and each of you can leave your mark at FAITH Colleges with your talents and abilities. Do not hesitate to do so. Contribute. Leave a legacy. Raise the bar.

Once again, on behalf of your school, welcome to FAITH Colleges. From now on, you are the graduating class of 2028. We are glad you’re here. We have high hopes for you. Do us proud. Do yourselves proud.

May the stars be ever within your reach.

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